Tyler - Aubrey - Emory - Hayden

Monday, October 5, 2009

Some New Stuff

Sorry its been so long!!! Here are a few random pictures from over time. :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Nursery Time

Hayden's first bath, she wasn't too happy

Emory and her Aunt Jen peeking in the nursery
for a look at Hayden

They had rushed Hayden away from our room
because she had started to turn purple. She was
breathing really shallow and not normal. They had
hooked her up to all their cords and put an iv in her
tiny arm.

She was on oxygen for a while until she started
breathing better on her own. But they kept her
in the nursery over night to keep a close watch
on her, because she had a few issues here and

This was the first time I got to hold her since I
delivered. It was like 6 hours later. They wouldn't
let me get up until I could walk on my own from
the epidural.

We finally had her in the room with
us the next day. This is one of the outfits
I brought to dress her up in. She still
had the iv in her arm just in case,
they didn't want to have to poke
her again.

Finally an update on Hayden!!

Just getting settled in before my induction!

Tyler anxiously waiting...

Tyler first holding baby hayden

Mommy first holding hayden. Tyler had to help me
cause my arms couldn't stay up from all the drugs I
was on

Hayden's first cry

She had a lot of junk in her throat and was having
a hard time breathing and pinking up. It took her
a few minutes to even start crying.

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Second Thought

Today was our 2 year anniversary!!! Crazy. We've been together for a little over 5 years now and every minute has been awesome! I love being with Tyler he's my best friend. I'm so grateful for him and all that he does for me and helps out with. He's more than I could have asked for.

Tonight we went out to dinner ALONE, which was very nice and relaxing. His parents watched Emory for us. We enjoyed a nice quiet dinner at our favorite restaurant Outback, then went and grabbed some ice cream at cold stone. It was a fun little date. We dont go out for nice occasions very often so it's nice when we do.

But I love my "tywer" and I'm so glad he's all mine. I Love You Hunny! Happy 2 Year Anniversary!!!

One week later...

Ok.. So slowly but surely I am dilating! I'm at a 3 now! Yipee. I'm so excited. I had my 37+ doctor visit today. Things are still going good. I did have high blood pressure, so they want me to start being lazy and resting a ton. I'm even more excited that wednesday is my last day of work. Cannot wait is all I can say about that! But the doc said if I make it to next weeks visit that he'll strip my membranes. I have mixed feelings on that, but if it will help I'll do whatever. I've been really crampy lately and a lot more weak than usual so things are progressing and the countdown is on!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dilated to a 2!!


So I'm dilated to a 2!!! YAY!

Ya its not much.. but its exciting to know that things are starting to move along!! I'm only 36 weeks plus, so I'm thrilled to know this.

I had to go in monday, and have that standard strep b test done. Then he checked me. I had my mom come to help take care of Emory for me. It was nice, cause Emory thinks I'm getting hurt everytime I get up on their table thing. I could only imagine how she would have reacted this time! My doctor was like "well I'll see you next monday... unless I see you at labor and delivery!

Ya I'm sure I'm getting my hopes up but still even if I dont go early, I'm really only just a few weeks away and the time will go by fast and be here before I know it!! I'm so excited!

Monday, March 16, 2009

One Word Tag!

1. Where is your cell phone? next to my ear
2. Your significant other? tyler
3. Your hair? dirty
4. Your mother? different
5. Your father? humorous
6. Your favorite? chocolate
7. Your dream last night? terrifying
8. Your favorite drink? coke
9. Your dream/goal? skinny
10. What room you are in? living
11. Your hobby? sitting
12. Your fear? alone
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? vacation
14. Where were you last night? friends
15. Something that you aren't? skinny
16. Muffins? blueberry
17. Wish list item? boobs!
18. Where you grew up? Orem
19. Last thing you did? work
20. What are you wearing? clothes
21. Your TV? on
22. Your pets? crazy
23. Friends? exactly! (friends?)
24. Your life? fun
25. Your mood? blah
26. Missing someone? always
27. Car? parked
28. Something you're not wearing? socks
29. Your favorite store? mall
30. Your favorite color? green
33. When is the last time you laughed? earlier
34. Last time you cried? awhile
35. Who will resend this? beats me
36. One place that I go to over and over? crosswalk
37. One person who emails me regularly? definitely FACEBOOK
38. My favorite place to eat? wingers
39. Where are you right now? couch
40. Where should you be right now? showering

Tag anyone who wants to play.